November 25, 2008
Looking for a lost value, respect: NO to violence against women
The FIDAPA promotes equal opportunities in respect of gender difference, to help women improve their economic and social work.
In this project is of primary importance "education to legality and respect for human rights, against all forms of violence."
Violence against women is a hidden problem, but millions of women around the world suffer. In countries or
militarized civilians, the first or the third world, rich or poor, rape, domestic violence and murder of women and girls are everywhere present.
From data recently released by ISTAT, shows that almost three million Italian women have suffered domestic violence.
The victims - between 25 and 40 years - for most women graduates, managers and entrepreneurs, women who pay for their emancipation, cultural, and economic, with abuse and violence in the home very often, almost always silence.
This type of violence is not an issue of public safety and in our culture and other cultures should be done to fight and win a major outreach activities, starting from the school and involving their youth.
On 25 November the International Day Against Violence on Women and FIDAPA proposes a series of events designed to bring up that day, but above all a clear signal of our willingness to "fight" for a greater awareness and consciousness.
To change the culture of violence and exclusion by the culture of rights and respect for diversity, FIDAPA want to start a dialogue with young people in a dialogue that giving young people an awareness of human rights and respect for others as a prerequisite for world peace and to build a democratic society, a society in which differences are perceived as a resource and opportunity for discussion and cultural growth, not a cause of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, diversity in General.
The first objective is to break the silence surrounding violence against women, their suffering and their pain and make excuses and immunity to violent, violating every rule, damage the life of society and mankind.
To achieve this, a competition was held for students in primary and secondary level to create a comic book and / or drawing, made with various techniques, the issue of violence against women to affirm the human rights culture.
The FIDAPA promotes equal opportunities in respect of gender difference, to help women improve their economic and social work.
In this project is of primary importance "education to legality and respect for human rights, against all forms of violence."
Violence against women is a hidden problem, but millions of women around the world suffer. In countries or
militarized civilians, the first or the third world, rich or poor, rape, domestic violence and murder of women and girls are everywhere present.
From data recently released by ISTAT, shows that almost three million Italian women have suffered domestic violence.
The victims - between 25 and 40 years - for most women graduates, managers and entrepreneurs, women who pay for their emancipation, cultural, and economic, with abuse and violence in the home very often, almost always silence.
This type of violence is not an issue of public safety and in our culture and other cultures should be done to fight and win a major outreach activities, starting from the school and involving their youth.
On 25 November the International Day Against Violence on Women and FIDAPA proposes a series of events designed to bring up that day, but above all a clear signal of our willingness to "fight" for a greater awareness and consciousness.
To change the culture of violence and exclusion by the culture of rights and respect for diversity, FIDAPA want to start a dialogue with young people in a dialogue that giving young people an awareness of human rights and respect for others as a prerequisite for world peace and to build a democratic society, a society in which differences are perceived as a resource and opportunity for discussion and cultural growth, not a cause of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, diversity in General.
The first objective is to break the silence surrounding violence against women, their suffering and their pain and make excuses and immunity to violent, violating every rule, damage the life of society and mankind.
To achieve this, a competition was held for students in primary and secondary level to create a comic book and / or drawing, made with various techniques, the issue of violence against women to affirm the human rights culture.
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