Friday, May 28, 2010

When Will Depression End Vicodin Withdrawal

Computer Applied Journalism - Lesson VII

After talking about corporate communication and communication of product is time to analyze the divide between these two types of communication or political communication: a field in constant evolution.
communication policy aims, first, consent to, not always, however, is a political consensus. Keep in mind that with political communication does not refer only to the Prime Minister, Parliament or the mayor of a given policy, the term must be included in a broader sense: for the ancient Greek political was, in fact, everything to do with the polis, then the interests of the community. In these terms the president dell'Avis, for example, could make political communication, even if he understand it as a form of corporate communication. Even in politics
you sell a product. However, unlike the communication of product that is emotional, that policy is linked the logic of the word, he wants to propose an argument. A 6x3 billboard slogans hailing a communication is not political, but political marketing, so it's something deeply emotional and very stimulating intellectual point of view. To
political communication must keep in mind that politics is all the same and the fees of communication are identical. In other words, the rules are the same but the politicians do not, and need for this steady decline in ad hoc, without forgetting the fundamental skills, persuasion and communication, and clean image.
Let's see some reference models:

  • Barack Obama, elected President U.S. November 4, 2008, is repetitive, does not speak "very well" (to be at the highest levels), however, knows attract attention. He won winning thanks to the image of his family, a family-style "Mulino Bianco": his wife Michelle , round and ubiquitous, the young daughters, the mother-in-law at home, the pseudo organic vegetable garden. .. He is said to have won through the grapevine of consensus in the network, in fact, the first American elections won by using the Internet were those of the first term of George W. Bush (2000-2004). E 'is undeniable, however, that the new technologies have played a key role so much so that Obama surrounds himself with a team of 160 people, consisting mostly of computer (even called the former manager of Google) and webwatchers (Internet constantly hunting for news.) In general, however, anyone who aspires to political office should use the prestige of a strong, able both to recover funds and propaganda materials, which, if any, of spying on opponents. Key figures are: 1. 2 counselors. Communicators 3. 4 activists. Analysts 5. computer technicians (real spies). These are the real balance of power, because the first thing that a politician must do to win is to destroy the opponent and what better way than to investigate into his past by studying documents and files in the network maybe? Always carefully considering the boundary between lawful and unlawful, because the U.S. has never fierce beyond the law. And this mainly for ethical reasons: the States are a Protestant country who does not like lies. Ago as a warning that the Sexgate cost the reelection of President Clinton , to which people have not forgiven, not so much with the Laison Monica Lewinsky, but he lied to the country by denying the obvious. Always the Lewinsky case offers another food for thought: first raised the dust was a blog, the Drudge Report and was a true revolution, or because it was (And is) a blog outside the box, with a vocabulary of bold and limits allowed, but mostly because it was not an official newspaper, and more was on the net and it was only in 1998, the internet was just born.

  • Nicolas Sarkozy, French president since 2007, "drugged" his people with the cult of personality (typical, historically, the French), but has deviated much from its predecessors: Jacques Chirac François Mitterrand and . With him, it became evident that the construction of the model of political leader is more important than the leader himself. He used well the technology to reach the Elysium and terrible for governing. In fact, most likely, will not be re-elected, at least according to polls.

  • David Cameron since last May 11 is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Labour could not continue to win, especially after ten years of Blair government and the consequent financial difficulties. Gordon Brown also the media point of view did not work: it was not able to emoze List, select the people and, above all, was the bearer of political ethics by many considered similar to that of Tony Blair . Cameron used a single model of communication in the electoral campaign has used television , always and only the TV, ending up with too much. And that has made possible the approach of liberal democratic Nick Clegg, the current deputy premier, the strong majority on the House of Commons . As the recent events so you do not know yet what communication strategy adopted to govern, but one thing is certain: to deal with their enormous differences will point to a patriotic statement like: "We turn away more and more from Europe," "Do not ever adopt the single currency "," just where we want us to send troops "and so on ...

  • The German situation, however, is different because different is the background of the country. Germany suffers from a significant digital divide . While the former West Germany runs, the DDR is arretratissima. This led to the choice of Chancellor Angela Merkel to focus on a "non-communication": if leverage the Web, for example, half of Germans would remain unaware of his actions.

  • And now we come to Italy, indietrissimo country in terms of community than the U.S., UK and France. In Italy there are key figures as analysts, and webwatchers surfer. And this is not for lack of devices, the technology gap is now unbridgeable within a very short time, but for lack of true professionals. We must begin to train people. The winning combination is given by the combined logic to emotion. It is not enough, then, the availability of computer technicians (only logical), but we know that arouse emotion unite communicators, analysts, profilers, which, on a series of objective data and subjective experience hinge. In Italy, then, lack of true publishers, replaced by shareholders in a very special entrepreneurs who are part of most linked to the world of finance, energy, construction, publishing, rather than real: they are an example L'espresso publishing group , RCS the group Caltagirone. The spread goes tv for that, outside the public service is in the hands of De Benedetti, to Telecom or family Berlusconi. And always Berlusconi worth mentioning if you want to analyze the communication strategies of the center-right , certainly better (or rather, better grip) than the left. And that is because the communication right is: 1. 2 more emotional. layered, managed to rally support for more social classes 3. always positive and reassuring 4. codified, use keywords, codes that are always the same over the years. Indeed, one can even say that the leaders of certain words making them approprino highly connotative over time, eg "Italy" if uttered by Berlusconi brings to mind "Forza Italy" as "Freedom" becomes "People of Freedom", or "Federalism" evokes the League. For the center-left , on the contrary, politics comes before everything, even in communication. Make policy and take responsibility means responsibility, which means giving the public a lot of messages (purely political) that often, however, confuse the voters are interested only up to a certain point in politics. But what should never be forgotten is that political language should not be simple, but clear.

Finally, a clarification: Who are the spokesperson? And the spin doctors? The spokesman

are those who bring in a referential message to the leader. They have the delegation to represent him. But, more importantly, are they able to interpret the message of the leader without possessing the political. This means that they can be denied, even by the leader himself, if things do not go in the direction planned.

The spin doctors are instead of strategic advisors. Their work revolves around image and communication. They must be able to think as they write and communicate the "enemies" before you write and communicate. They are, therefore, key figures great demand and are able to alter the course of political and ovviamnte and history.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fondant Recipe That The Cake Boss Uses

mission (not impossible) of websites

In a text written more you dwell on the form or content? Here, the same goes for websites. Indeed, that is mainly for web sites, whether they sell a product or sell an idea. From an aesthetic point of view the most popular are those who maintain a simple layout that does not flaunt large graphic resources and do not fill the pages with animation, music or gadgets more or less annoying. You should be able to easily access the pages through intuitive menus and without too much distraction, especially if it is to find something or make purchases online. But above all, a good site must provide contact information, references and explain the mission.
It is worth mentioning that mission means the ultimate goal of a company or organization. So the mission is both what justifies the existence of a company that sets it apart from all others.
Try, then, to trace the institutional mission at the three sites, very different: , and www . / .
the homepage of the clothing brand Pinko Fidenza , in addition to the possibility of losing in photos and video of the various collections, or the infinite and highly detailed e-shop, are in the lower right 'about us that reminds us of the birth of the company, which took place in the 80s from an idea by Peter Negra and Cristina Rubini, and explicit from the first row (of a text, however long and written in small letters) the true identity of the brand : Pinko is "an alternative to just under the top jaw that can provide collections of quality, high style, but correspond to the tastes of the market at competitive prices. " Competitive to the point that, if in a time of economic crisis like the one we are going through the house high fashion have all budgets more or less in the red Pinko want to apply (and there is success) as a viable alternative, so much so that his advertising has managed to recruit top star and world renowned for Naomi Campbell to Eva Herzigova, Elle MacPherson by Mariah Carey. Site
totally different, much more rich and varied (as shown by the ' index), is that of Fratelli Carli, ell'omonimo producers of oil, or rather de "the oil quality directly to you by 1911 " as nell'hompage stands directly below the logo. Just this script to summarize the mission perfectly: company modern , remained unchanged in the values \u200b\u200band production of oil as quality, capable, nearly a century of Delivery their product to hundreds of thousands of families customers.
changed now side board, however, in a public reality: the ' Arpa Emilia-Romagna , or the Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna. The site is well structured and divided into six thematic areas that allow citizens to make research, to deepen the main environmental issues, to be updated on Communications Agency, easy access to various sections provincial and especially to see what the Harp and it is organized . In fact, the mission is explained in who we are and can be summarized "supervise environmental audits for environmental sustainability, health, homeland security and exploitation of resources." But, above all, being a regional agency and private attempts to show the link as transparent as possible by offering Transparency and merit assessment, external mandates and Rate ARPA.
Internet lends itself to operations of this kind, being structurally more transparent than other media such as TV, radio and newspapers, as it is able to provide traceability and a chance to compare it to other media if it is not impossible at least very cumbersome and more feasible at different times and with less chance of interaction.
Dear Tom, this means that for once we do without you: unlock the mission on the web is not so impossible.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Highest Triglyceride Levels Reported

The information becomes communication

Computer Applied Journalism - Lesson VI

In today's information system to make the communicator is worth more than a journalist. It may seem a contradiction, but today, the communicator has more freedom than the journalist. The Communicator for granted conditioning while the journalist believes, wrongly, to have as a single point of contact when in fact readers should also be subject to various constraints, maybe not directly, but still find it necessary, first of all the circumstances.

is why the information tends to become more and more communication. If at one time included an offer to inform the general news without a direct interest by those who produced them, today we tend to communicate, that is to be taken of particular interest, as speculative. Being a communicator, in fact, means have a client through which it seeks to achieve a result that is as positive as possible for the buyer. The

good communicator must be able to give qualitative data and should never call back information in a personal way. But above all it must be able to communicate anything trying to hide the negative aspects and highlighting the positive ones.

There are different types of communication, let's see three: the institutional one, that of the product and advertising.

The institutional communication the identity of a reality. It 's all that identifies the image and activities of a given entity, regardless a profit or loss. Institutional communication serves to highlight:

  • social value (as in the case of public service announcements)
  • respect of transparency and the dissemination of information (like any public realm should do)
  • the perceived quality of a reality commercial (or dependent on the profit, and private business).

To better understand the various aspects of corporate communication is to relate well with communication product, which is not necessarily or exclusively private, but it can also be made by public bodies: the result in this case is not profit, but the consensus. Often, then, corporate communications and product communication merge. And this happens to

  • opportunism,
  • poor professionalism,
  • lack of rules respected,
  • confusion in the information system.

Also, do not forget that one side of the communication product is the advertising and that even when advertising is made for social purposes may be included in the law of corporate communications. The real distinction, then, is given by the clarity, transparency, the internet, compared other media, is able to offer you. It can not be traced directly to the comparison but you can take an audit trail of information.

The private corporate communication has to take high levels of the brand, the public must make available to the public a range of information, services and means of control. If the first does not pay much attention to the rules of the web, the second should be absolutely respected usability, accessibility , interactivity, transparency .

Institutional communication is a kind of corporate communications. In the public sector and in the private sector are made in the same manner as stated in the next post.

The site maps public bodies grow horizontally and have trees of navigation much heavier than those of the private sector is much more complicated and convoluted than the reality of foreign governments. Perfect transposition on the Web is more complicated as the Italian public administration.

Some examples:
  • The site of the Chamber of Deputies ( ). The proposals are short news is already written in journalistic form in order to facilitate copy-paste the newspapers online. The site structure is outdated and lacks full interactivity, but crucial feature.
  • The site of the English Government ( ) skips the frills, looks like a real newspaper. It offers lots of information and it is as if you could skip the mediation of other media to go directly to the citizen. The map is concise and flawless.
  • The site of the French Government ( ) is instead an imaginative site. Of emotion, not information. There is little text and images abound. Scrolling, however, is equal to that of the newspapers online. Commendable the opportunity to communicate directly with the government. Similar to
  • French is the site of the British government ( ). Wanted so Blair and Brown maintained that . Now it is up to the turn Cameron.
  • Finally here is the perfection: the White House website ( ). It 's the best in terms of accessibility and interactivity. The video posted on the homepage in just six minutes summarizing the most important events of the week. And maybe also summarizes what will be the future of journalism.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Under 60 Bucks Prom Dresses

What is Google?

The question is trivial and the answer is obvious. After serving for everyone, even for those who not use the computer. The digital age has arrived and swept everything. Our everyday lingo has been enriched by new words, new expressions (often borrowed from English) that maybe you ignore the real meaning but it is impossible not to use. Thus, from the elderly to children, everyone knows what is Google. And all wrong. Because if it is true that today no longer say "try something on the internet" but, "looking for something on Google", well only a few are aware of its fundamental mechanisms.
In fact, Google is apparently only a search engine . It 's his service facade to be able to find (free) results in a few seconds, but, in reality, the services that allow it to be a global giant, instead, are all paid.
Google is indeed a multinational public company, with a large number of shareholders and of course voted for profit, offers services for Internet and through Internet browsers, platforms and applications.
But when Google was born? Google was born 27 September 1998 the idea of \u200b\u200btwo Stanford students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who wanted to create a search engine based on the analysis of mathematical relationships between websites. In 2003, Microsoft contact the company for a possible merger. But Google refuses to surrender in January of the following agreement with Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group . The listing starts with astonishing figures: $ 2 billion until the first day, a figure likely to increase over the years.
Where gets the most revenue? Certainly the advertising or coupling AdWords / AdSense .
Google held a real job as an agent, putting in contact the advertiser (which buys advertising through AdWords) the publisher (which hosting AdSense ads on their website), and there is a percentage of advertising on investment.
But pay services are also others like: Analytics: analytics service that allows you to get detailed information on its website and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns; Apps: Service combines Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Groups, Google Sites, Google Video in a single bid; Checkout : service to help simplify the process of payment for online purchases Earth Enterprise : a service that allows employees of 'organization to access and use images, aerial photography and other geospatial data company; Earth Pro : a service that offers business users a set of advanced tools for importing data, measure distances and print high-resolution images fully integrated into Google Earth, Maps API Premier : a service that allows you to easily add interactive maps of Google Maps on their websites and internal public Postini : Security Service of the e-mail and archiving; Site Search: Google search box on your site websites to allow potential visitors and customers to find information instantly ( ).
Blinded by a very successful marketing strategy designed to enhance king free services, most do not know that Google is all. But Google, in particular, is a giant and as such has to be the monopoly of the research on the web (with the consequent risk of a flattening of the plurality of points of view) that the monopoly advertising: it has acquired or shut down its main competitors in this field , so that has also come under the sight of ' Antitrust following the complaint of Fieg.
But one aspect that most have engaged lawyers multinational Mountain View is certainly the plea of \u200b\u200bbreach of privacy , since Google keeps for long periods of time to research information for their users. In addition, several problems arose also in connection with Street View that include photos of the various roads of the world within Maps, records of course, also the unsuspecting passers-by. Not to mention that a few days ago, then, the same Google has admitted that this application has data error for wi-fi private .
Here then shadows that come up ... there is no doubt an invention which has changed our lives.

Where Do You Get Luggage Card Board Box

eBook, eReader, iPad: the technological revolution journalism

The book publishing industry is changing. It is also discussed in the 2010 edition of International Book Fair of Turin.
no longer news, the quality of books. Today we will focus especially on the new electronic media that are about to invade our markets.
looking for, then, to do some 'clarity: the word eBook (also written e-book or ebook) is a contraction of the words "electronic" and "book" and is used to indicate the digital version of any publication. More generally, it is a file available both on PC and on the next-generation mobile phones, PDAs and digital special reader. The latter, in particular, are called or eReader eBook reader (eBook readers) and are portable electronic devices, which allow you to upload a large number of texts in digital format (eBook fact) and a similar law paper book. Devices are designed almost exclusively for reading text, and are equipped with backlit displays e-ink technology (available in shades of gray that now, even in color). This feature makes reading an ebook on an e-ink device similar to that of a normal book, and much less tiring for the view in relation to a device with LCD screen.
The iPad, however, is a tablet computer manufactured by Apple that can play media content and to surf the Internet. The screen is 9.7 inch, fully multi-touch and LED backlighting. Arrive in Italy in June with a launch price of only $ 499 and promises to change the way you are connected to reality, thanks to a huge storage capacity, great usability and an excellent quality of images and video. Nostalgic print ready: it is only the first model.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Size Of Breast By Country


Computing Applied to Journalism - Lesson IV (Prof. Ferrandi)

... jump ...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Template Drivers License 2010

web content publishing on the internet must be paid for?

Information Technology applied to Journalism - V class

The issue is controversial and has provided the occasion for a debate, now lively, which has grown from a couple of years, coinciding with the escalation of the economic crisis that hit, inexorably, the world of publishing. E 'decreased advertising in newspapers, have declined (and in many cases completely removed) the copies distributed for free and debts are obviously increased. With implications for online journalism. To get the budget surplus seems then that the only solution is to charge for editorial content on the web. In this sense, the news flash so can be free but the comments, insights and articles
not true, otherwise the unsustainable nature of the mechanism.
But addressing the issue can not be dispensed with ethical issues arising from two simple questions: If the reporter knows that his contribution is not paid for publishing on the Web change its way of writing? It will be rougher and less professional, even to the form and how to set the article?
Surely this is wrong at the beginning, when the on-line journalism, moving only the first steps and publishers have launched a competition without rules to those who offered the highest number of services, photos , movies, interviews, blogs and much more, of course free. If it is true that the internet is mostly free (the cost is that of connection to the band) must also admit that philosophy, pursued by the advocates of "total internet free" and certainly conceptually correct, but it is unsustainable.
And something already seen that not only moves the site of the New York Times from January 1, 2011 will be paid, but also the Italian publishers have recently got a little revenge Google News, is accused of having a negative impact on the ability of online publishers to attract users and advertising on its homepage, which does not correspond to any form of direct remuneration for the use of the contents of the newspapers online.
Finally, again remaining part of the free, we saw how the network there is even the possibility of not buying newspapers through upgrading press releases. One example is the site of the Chamber of Deputies who illegally enter the front pages of newspapers without paying publishers. But the copyright then?
Ah, yes, it's just a law.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Why Does Knee Hurt In The Back

Copies distributed / sold and web users

The logic of a newspaper online is not to penalize the version caracea indeed, the first rule is to increase the number of readers and users with no degradation in newsstand sales and subscriptions. The decline

however, is relentless and constant, aggravated by the economic crisis and publishers that have made the so-called "clean", or have removed the free copies for example: in schools.

suffer most are the most national newspapers that the provincial, still felt a strong local roots and a lot less rich web versions of newspapers. On the site

Findings Dissemination Print ( ) by registering you have access to data about the spread of copies sold and Italian newspapers, provided directly by publishers and divided by period.

During April 2009 - March 2010 daily newspaper and has been sold Il Corriere della Sera with an average circulation of 656,953 copies, an average circulation of 511,937 copies and made a total of 143,983 copies to 455,388 copies sold. In second place come
the Republic with an average circulation of 604,689 copies, an average circulation of 469,804 copies, a yield of 134,616 copies for a total of 427,782 copies sold.
third place as regards the spread is up to E Polis with an average circulation of 446,555 copies, an average circulation of 438,564 copies, a yield of 7,911 copies and a small sale of only 1,712 copies, well 436,852 free copies. In third place for copies instead find the Monday edition Gazzetta dello Sport with an average circulation of 568,056 copies, an average circulation of 402,378 copies, an average yield of 164,589 copies and a total of which amounts to 367,244 copies sold.

To better understand the data offers a very useful glossary. This is the link: / glossary / index.php .

Regarding the data on Web users after registration Audiweb offers the following analysis:

Internet Audience, May 2010
Population (000) 54 745
Users connected to the Internet (000) 34.7999
active users in the month (.000) 23,802 Time spent in
average daily per person (h: m) 1:32
Page Views per person on an average day 171

Summary data in May 2010

  • leads the MSN / WindowsLive / Bing with 4,919,142 people, 57,357,000 page views and 15 minutes and 29 seconds as the time spent by the user. Following
  • Virgil with 2,720,939 people, page views and time spent by the user as 06:15. Then we
  • Free with 2,585,056 users and 71,960,000 page views 10:48 Spaso time as the user.
  • Yahoo! with 2,237,436 users and 34,519,000 page views 07:28 as time spent by the user.
  • The Republic with 1,198,186 users and 11,660,000 page views 06:26 as time spent by the user.
  • Corriere della Sera with 996,954 users and 8,884,000 page views 05:54 as time spent by the user.

Note that the data refer only to the customs Property, Parent Brand and Publisher of enrolled Audiweb.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Uchi Toiletry Bags Online

"The technology creates the market," David di Donatello

Computer Applied Journalism - class III

E 'with this principle, almost lapidary as the famous "The medium is the message" McLuhaniana of memory, which opens the third lesson of Professor Alfonso .
Yes, continuing the analysis of the one can not help notice how little there is really journalism and how the usability , however, to draw the user.
fact you can get to say that the profession of journalism on the web does not exist. The writing self the web editor is more of a taboo since most items are simple copy and paste agency notes. Yet this seems not to affect the millions of users of online newspapers, only hungry for simple information (even better if concise and free of those "beautiful words" of journalism in the past). This is why the editorial of digital newspapers are minimized: the has 45 journalists and technicians between while the Corriere della it even includes only 20.
But if so, the question arises: what are attracted to those 12 million monthly users who attend the two major newspapers on-line? Surely the multimedia made possible today by technology now so widespread that supports photo galleries, video and web TV.
Only a few years ago lacked both the capacity of bandwidth that can download web content from the PC to a different place: there are now smartphone-pad and I can always make you feel "everything around you," as the recited a well-known advertising slogan.
Advertising that if since the ancient times was the main source of income of a newspaper (of course paper) now reigns supreme in the digital ones. Suffice it to say that all the icons editorial in the bar below the head are full of advertising, greatly reducing, thus, the journalistic space. And if the advertising was printed or full page or bottom of the page in newspapers on-line you can indulge, and indeed we find it everywhere, even on horseback of the articles, so much so that sometimes it is even difficult (and this applies Unfortunately for the ) to differentiate between what is editorial As, however, appears to be a simple message.
E 'therefore the technology that makes the market.
It is a testament to the recent redesign of the site of the Republic, the site is completely screened at the media and new technologies, so as to have a horizontal development so as to make it easier to use through the I-phone.
Different speech for the second Italian online newspaper: the Corriere della , much less direct the , much more educational (with paths leading to the icons) and characterized by vertical development and abstract that require long time user. Too much time for users of the web.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can Certain Vitamins Cause Hard Stool

between memory and controversy

Perhaps it is no coincidence that the David di Donatello, traditionally considered the Oscar of Italian cinema, this year they went to two movies that, although very different in nature, however, put his finger on the darkest period in recent history of our country. Eight awards to " Winning" by Marco Bellocchio, the dramatic story of the secret son of Benito Mussolini and a, the most important (Best Film) and "The man who will " George Rights, which tells, through the eyes of a child, the Nazi massacre of Marzabotto. History and memory so prominently in 54th edition of David Donatello, but to characterize the evening at the Auditorium of Conciliation in Rome have been especially controversial for indiscriminate cuts to culture implemented by the government. E 'Stefania Sandrelli to express the protest reading a letter movement "Centoautori" against drastic cuts in FUS, the Fund for the Performing Arts that would finance the Italian cinema, but at present, however, does not guarantee either the implementation of the productions in the pipeline.
And after the disappointment of the controversy, that of two great directors: Paolo Virzi, that the touching comedy (the date for super favorite) "The first nice thing " took home three awards in front of only eighteen nominations and Giuseppe Tornatore, who, already burned by the failure of his Academy Award nomination for " Baarìa ", is forced to settle for only two David, one for music, Ennio Morricone and the friend on a special assigned by young people.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Free South Park Episodes For Ipod

David di Donatello Awards Winners 2010

Best Film
Best Director
Marco BELLOCCHIO for the film WIN
Best Debut Director
Valerio for the movie HONEY Ten winters
Francesco BRUNI - Francis SMALL - Paolo Virzi ' for the film The First Thing
Best producer
Aranciafilm (Simone Bachini, George Rights) - RAI CINEMA for the film THE MAN WHO WILL BE '
Best Actress
Micaela Ramazzotti for the film The First Thing
Best Actor Valerio Mastandrea
for the film The First Thing
Best Supporting Actress
Ilaria Occhino for the movie Loose Cannons
Best Supporting Actor
Ennio Fantastichini for the movie Loose Cannons
Best director of photography Daniel
for CIPRA the film WIN
Best musician
Ennio Morricone for the film BAARIA
Best Original Song
"kiss me again" - Music by Jovanotti, SATURNINUS Celani, Riccardo Onori - Texts Jovanotti - Performed by JOVANOTTI kiss me again for the film
Best designer
Marco Dentici for the film WIN
Best costume
Sergio DANCE for the film WIN
Best makeup
Franco CORRIDONIA for the film WIN
Best hairstylist
Alberta GIULIANI for the film WIN
Best Editing
Francesca Calvelli for the film WIN
Best Sound in direct
Best Visual Effects
Trisoglio Paola and Stefano Marinoni for VISUALOGIE for the film WIN
Best documentary film
Best Short
David special
Tonino Guerra - Terence Hill - Bud Spencer - Lina WERTMULLER
David Young
Best European Union Film
Best Foreign Language Film
BASTARDS NO GLORY of Quentin Tarantino