the first
Computer Applied Journalism - The lesson
Professor Lelio Alfonso, Professor of Applied Computer Science at the Journalism held its first Lesson of the A / Friday, April 16 in 2009-2010 in the classroom K3 plexus of Arts in D 'Azeglio 85 in Parma.
were present approximately fifty students, from various Italian universities, which were initially sought a brief presentation focus on their studies, personal aspirations and expectations regarding the specifics of the course. Course, according to specified by the same professor, has only marginally aims to improve computer skills , being concentrated, in fact, on the development of skills information retrieval network in . During the lesson we introduced the problem of 'reliability sources, particularly heard problem for research on-line . Internet, in fact, offering access extremely easy and fast to a variety of sources forces, later, a hard work of analysis and selection of data sources. Here then
Wikipedia, the ' free encyclopedia most clicked in the world, is not configured as a source of some of the most authoritative, first because it is not an institutional site as has Europeana.
Europeana is the name of the European digital library that provides the ' access (free) to the collections of all the EU digital libraries. The research, in this case, is subject to a hierarchy of importance of materials and it is obviously slower than they are using Wikipedia traditional or engines, but it is certainly more reliable and thorough . Even because as has repeatedly Professor Alfonso "must not stop searching easier but you have to do everything possible to distinguished from others. "It certainly is a means by which to pursue writing skills of our students to enhance the customization (including graphics) is the blog of the writings.
The term" blog "is a contraction of" web-log "which means" diary on the net. "Although a recent phenomenon (the first was founded in 1998) the blog is no longer used by the ousted Social Network which FaceBook and Twitter .
But for us aspiring journalists remains an extremely useful tool to put to try and keep in touch with each other. All under the supervision of prof. Alfonso, available for further explanation to the e-mail .
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