Glossary As Anatole France said it "La vie littéraire" "The Universe is a dictionary in alphabetical order. And 'the book par excellence, all the others are already in, just get them out. "
While not claiming to create a real dictionary, I propose a small collection of words most used in class and needed to survive in the" web selvagggio.
Abstract: summary, abstract, abstract summary description of the contents of a document.
Account: literally account, credit, access permission. The account, also called username, is usually made by a user name and password . It is used when you want to restrict access to certain information or services only to authorized persons. For example: in the case of e-mail addresses, the account, along with the DN (Domain Name) contributes to the formation of the address: @ domainname
ADS: Findings Dissemination Press, an association formed in 1975 to certify the data dissemination and circulation of newspapers or periodicals of any kind published in Italy.
AdSense: service offered by Google that lets you put commercial ads on your site relevant to the content of the webpage, earning based on visits or clicks on the ads themselves.
AdWords: service offered by Google that allows the advertiser to buy ads.
Audiweb: subject scorer and distributor of data on the audience on-line market-relevant advertising.
B Back Office: opposite of Front Office. Term used to describe the company (or its information system) that is responsible for managing the company itself, to which the user has access. These internal processes such as manufacturing, logistics, inventory, sales, accounting, human resource management etc..
Banner: banner, banner. A banner is an advertisement, to form long and low, which appears at the top and bottom of web pages.
Banner Exchange: banner exchange. Agreement between Web sites that is the exchange of banner ads.
Blog: bundling of the words "Web" and "log" indicates a log on the network. That is, a personal web page that is updated frequently and regularly through the inclusion and publication of content and links to other websites. Every new project is placed on top of the page, and listed the date and time of the entry. Bloggers appreciate the opportunity to make information outside the traditional circuits and with almost complete freedom of publication, and the readers appreciate the opportunity to leave comments and dialogue.
Blog Aggregator: blog aggregator , site bringing together the content of many blogs.
Brand: brand, name, symbol or design with which they identify products or services of one or more vendors to differentiate them from other competitive offerings.
Breadcrumb: literally, bread crumb. Path that describes you in that area is related to the pages of a website.
Breaking News: news in real time.
Broadcasting radio or television broadcast over the air.
Bluetooth communication standard (developed by Ericson), which allows the transmission of data (audio, photos, video) between your PC and accessories interface (or between cellular and cellular) using radio links that enable short-range (between 10 and 100 meters). Trivia: The name comes from Harald Bluetooth Bluetooht, the tenth century Viking king who united the kingdoms of Denmark and Norway.
Blurker: term created from the combination of "blog" and "lurker", means a person who follows your blog silently, not participating in the discussion in the comments.
Broadband: broadband. Communication system (which uses fiber optics and digital lines) can transmit data at speeds greater than 200 Kbps
C Citizen Journalism: term used to describe the new form of journalism that provides the active participation of readers through the use of new media and the possibility of cooperation offered by the Internet.
Compression: operation that reduces the space occupied by them for better file transfer.
Cookie: literally cookies, candy. This information (in the form of files) downloaded on your PC from the Web server to which you connect. These files are useful to the companies, or to server administrators to control / monitor the consultations of their site. Cookies are text files smaller than 4 KB can not contain programs, hence they can be potential vehicles for viruses.
Copyleft: model management of copyright-based licensing system through which the author tells friutori work that it can be used widely and often modified freely, while respecting certain basic conditions (eg, distribute under the same legal regime).
Copyright: right to copy, right belonging to the owner of the intellectual property of an object to control the reproduction and dissemination, by any means they are made.
crossmediality: is the result of the convergence of devices. A piece of content can be conveyed through multiple channels of communication and can take different forms, depending on the transmission technology used. The cross-media determines the convergence between communications platforms and digitalisation of the networks it creates the conditions.
Customer Satisfaction: is a measure of how products and services offered by a company managed to meet or exceed customer expectations.
D Debug: to develop a program to eliminate errors.
Decompression: particular type of operation performed by appropriate programs to bring back the compressed files to their original state.
Delivery Status Notification: messages generated automatically by e-mail systems which provide information concerning the status of the e-mail sent.
Digital Divide: indicates the gap between those who have effective access to information technology (particularly personal computers and the Internet) and who is excluded, either partially or totally. The grounds for exclusion include several variables: economic conditions, educational level, quality of infrastructure, differences in age or sex, belonging to various ethnic groups, geographic origin.
E E-Book: eBook. Text created in digital format to be read on special devices.
E-Book Reader: eBook reader. F Facebook: Social Network born in 2004 from an idea by Mark Zuckerberg to allow interaction among American college students. Since 2006, anyone can access for free, making it become a social network that spans across all the Internet users.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): document that contains answers to frequently asked questions on a given topic.
Feed: summary of web content updated regularly. Need to make content more accessible and highlight what's new.
Feed RSS (Really Simple Syndication): text file that contains information to find the latest resources posted on a site.
Feedback: feedback, is the ability to take into account the results of the system to change the characteristics of the same type of system. More generally, it is a return signal control of an action.
File sharing: system that allows a user to share their files with other users who are on the same network or the Internet.
Forum: structure where discussions are published and messages written by users (after registration) on a particular topic.
Frame: independent section of a web page.
Free Press: daily and weekly newspapers distributed free of charge. Features: fast news, no opinions and comments, advertising as the only resource.
Front Office: opposite of Back Office, then the company dedicated to the direct relationship with the customer.
G Gateway: literally way out, but it also means access point. It is a device used to connect different networks, ie networks that use different communication protocols, in order to make possible the transfer of data between them.
Guestbook: guest book through which you can leave your messages or express an opinion visited the site.
Google Analytics: web analytics solution that allows you to get detailed information on the traffic of your website and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
H Hacker: attacker trying to break into computer systems of others, better internal or public, in order to cause damage.
I Indexing: Inserting a website database of a search engine, through the use of appropriate keywords. It 's time in which the site is recognized by search engines, and then appears in their pages to answer the questions of users.
Information Overload: cognitive overload. This happens when you get too much information to be able to make a decision. It should be noted that the development of technology has contributed to the dissemination and recognition of this phenomenon.
Internet: global system that connects small and large networks.
Intranet: private network constructed and used within a company to share company information and computing resources among all employees. It is usually connected to the Internet.
I-Pad: tablet computer manufactured by Apple that can play media content and to surf the Internet.
Hypertext: together Documents placed in relation to each other by keywords that act as a link (link). The links allow you to read the document in a non-sequential.
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television): technology to convey information and television content in digital format on your TV via broadband Internet connections.
J Java software platform that lets you write applications independent of the hardware on which they are made.
K Kerning: Kerning literally, indicates the method of expansion or reduction of the distance between the characters of a text, in order to make it easier to read.
Keywords: keywords or terms that people use to find information through search engines.
L Lan (Local Area Network): on local area network, consisting of a set of computers connected together within a limited area (on the office, building or multiple buildings within a radius maximum of ten kilometers).
Landing page: literally landing page, so you define the page that is reached by clicking on a banner ad.
Logo: visible part of a brand name that is recognizable symbol, design, color ...
M Mailing List: communication method in which an e-mail sent to a system is automatically forwarded to a list of recipients interested in a particular subject area.
Marketing: "social and managerial process to meet needs and requirements through the processes of creating and exchanging products and values. And 'art and science to identify, create and deliver value to meet the needs of a market reference, realizing a profit delivery of satisfaction at a price ". (Giancarlo Pallavicini)
Match: counter.
Mashup: application that uses content from multiple sources to create a completely new service.
Meta tag keyword: metadata containing a list of keywords related to the page content to determine its placement in the search.
Mission: mission or purpose of the company, the ultimate goal, the justification of its existence and what sets it apart from all others.
Search: software specializes in finding information on the Internet.
Mountain View: California town became famous as the birthplace of the U.S. giant Google.
Multimedia: coexistence and interaction of multiple media the same support or information environment (combination of video, photos, pictures, music, text).
N Navigare Italian translation of the English word "surfing", indicating the operation of research information on the Internet, moving from one site to another.
Net Clipping: analysis of what is published daily on the Internet looking for information of interest to customers.
News Aggregator: application can read a regular flow of news in RSS format and present them with a graphical interface similar, in most cases, that of a mail program.
News Ranking: sites where users can report information and vote on the score of a leading news story.
Newsgroups: discussion group on the Internet. Sort of club where you can exchange messages and opinions that have interests similar to their own but who live anywhere in the world.
Newsletter: information letter devoted to specific topics that will be sent via e-mail every maturity. To receive you must join.
P Page Rank: position of a page or a website within a search engine. The value of Page Rank of a page simply does not indicate its degree of popularity on the web but goes so far as to indicate the degree of authority. The higher the page rank is higher than the position will be high on the page.
Peer to Peer (P2P): networking where all computers can act either as a client or server.
Phishing term created by assonance with "fhishing" (fish). Indicates the illegal use of systems such as e-mail and Web sites so as to simulate the collection of data from major companies on the internet with the aim of carp (fish) information.
Pop-up: advertisement that appears, opening a web page in a new window that opens simultaneously to the requested page or overlapping a portion of the page so disturbing reading.
Podcast: union of the words "I-pod" and "broadcasting" means the audio and / or video, distributed via RSS feeds. Anyone who is a member of a particular feed will automatically download the file from the RSS indicari having the opportunity to listen on your PC or MP3 player at any time.
Portal: site that offers a guide to resources on the Internet and a range of services. It integrates the functions of a typical search engine with those of Internet Service Provider and associates e-mail, forums, features for personalization, news, content variety.
Q Query: request literally, refers to a set of operations that allow you to extract certain information from a data store based on specific criteria.
R RSS: is a way to describe content that can be provided to those who publish information on the Internet. It 's part of the project XML and adheres to W3C specifications. An RSS file or RSS feed, as is usually called, is nothing but a list of elements, each of which is identified by a link and characterized by a brief description.
S Script: short message and pre-ordained that, in marketing, has a commercial purpose. Ex: in the telemarketing script, is the text of the call that the operator is obliged to follow.
Scrolling: horizontal or vertical displacement of a document by the bar or scroll bars (vertical and horizontal).
Service Provider: company that provides Internet access and additional services such as e-mail, a space for your website and tools to achieve it. A Service Provider has the technologies and the connections necessary to have a point of presence on the Internet.
Sitemap: site map, hierarchical list of all sections of a site in order to facilitate navigation.
Smartphone: phone that combines the functions and capabilities of a handheld computer can operate with a complete operating system and independent.
Social Network: literally social network is a group of people linked together by different social ties. Ex: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Viadeo, Badoo ...
Spam: message containing unsolicited advertising sent to thousands of recipients at a time.
Streaming: process of transferring data over the Internet where you can friuzione without needing to download.
T Tablet PC: evolution of the laptop made tablet and equipped with touch screen LCD.
Tags: keyword associated with content, be it a blog post, a picture, an article or video. The tags are used to categorize the content and facilitate research.
Tag Cloud: visual representation of tags (tag) or keywords used on a website.
Template: meso sample document that is available free of charge or on Internet sites for the development of other web pages with graphics and formatting the same, but different content.
Thread (3d): the Internet, especially in forums and newsgroups indicates a sequence of responses to an initial message.
Touch Screen: technology that allows you to interact with a program on a computer, or the latest mobile phone, simply by touching certain areas of the screen.
Twitter: is a social networking and microblogging service created in 2006 by Obvious Corporation in San Francisco. E 'became popular, even as an opponent of Facebook, thanks to the simplicity and immediacy of use. It provides users with a personal page updated via text messages that can be made through the website, via SMS, instant messaging, or e-mail. E 'can limit the visibility of their messages, or make them visible to everyone. Trivia: the name "Twitter" derives from the verb "to tweet" which means chirp.
U URL (Uniform Resource Locator): address that uniquely identifies a resource on the Web
User Generated Content: the term "user-generated content" was born in 2005 in the areas of Web publishing and New Media to indicate the material available on the Web produced by users rather than by specialized companies. E 'is a synonym for the democratization of the production of multimedia content made possible by the deployment of hardware and software solutions simple and low cost.
W Web-TV: device that allows connect to the Internet via phone line and view Web pages on your TV.
Wi-Fi: wireless network that reaches some tens of meters.
Wiki: collaborative software to share information and content. The project comes from the Wiki Wiki group that developed the software for its online encyclopedia. Wiki systems are characteristic of the few permission to add or change the information. This leads to the spontaneous cooperation of a large number of people.
and easy PC-
Wikipedia . Obviously
accepted suggestions, clarifications and corrections. So, to paraphrase a famous quote de "Gladiator": I have given the signal, you ... unleash hell!