Computer Applied Journalism - Lesson VII
After talking about corporate communication and communication of product is time to analyze the divide between these two types of communication or political communication: a field in constant evolution.
communication policy aims, first, consent to, not always, however, is a political consensus. Keep in mind that with political communication does not refer only to the Prime Minister, Parliament or the mayor of a given policy, the term must be included in a broader sense: for the ancient Greek political was, in fact, everything to do with the polis, then the interests of the community. In these terms the president dell'Avis, for example, could make political communication, even if he understand it as a form of corporate communication. Even in politics
you sell a product. However, unlike the communication of product that is emotional, that policy is linked the logic of the word, he wants to propose an argument. A 6x3 billboard slogans hailing a communication is not political, but political marketing, so it's something deeply emotional and very stimulating intellectual point of view. To
political communication must keep in mind that politics is all the same and the fees of communication are identical. In other words, the rules are the same but the politicians do not, and need for this steady decline in ad hoc, without forgetting the fundamental skills, persuasion and communication, and clean image.
Let's see some reference models:
- Barack Obama, elected President U.S. November 4, 2008, is repetitive, does not speak "very well" (to be at the highest levels), however, knows attract attention. He won winning thanks to the image of his family, a family-style "Mulino Bianco": his wife Michelle , round and ubiquitous, the young daughters, the mother-in-law at home, the pseudo organic vegetable garden. .. He is said to have won through the grapevine of consensus in the network, in fact, the first American elections won by using the Internet were those of the first term of George W. Bush (2000-2004). E 'is undeniable, however, that the new technologies have played a key role so much so that Obama surrounds himself with a team of 160 people, consisting mostly of computer (even called the former manager of Google) and webwatchers (Internet constantly hunting for news.) In general, however, anyone who aspires to political office should use the prestige of a strong, able both to recover funds and propaganda materials, which, if any, of spying on opponents. Key figures are: 1. 2 counselors. Communicators 3. 4 activists. Analysts 5. computer technicians (real spies). These are the real balance of power, because the first thing that a politician must do to win is to destroy the opponent and what better way than to investigate into his past by studying documents and files in the network maybe? Always carefully considering the boundary between lawful and unlawful, because the U.S. has never fierce beyond the law. And this mainly for ethical reasons: the States are a Protestant country who does not like lies. Ago as a warning that the Sexgate cost the reelection of President Clinton , to which people have not forgiven, not so much with the Laison Monica Lewinsky, but he lied to the country by denying the obvious. Always the Lewinsky case offers another food for thought: first raised the dust was a blog, the Drudge Report and was a true revolution, or because it was (And is) a blog outside the box, with a vocabulary of bold and limits allowed, but mostly because it was not an official newspaper, and more was on the net and it was only in 1998, the internet was just born.
- Nicolas Sarkozy, French president since 2007, "drugged" his people with the cult of personality (typical, historically, the French), but has deviated much from its predecessors: Jacques Chirac François Mitterrand and . With him, it became evident that the construction of the model of political leader is more important than the leader himself. He used well the technology to reach the Elysium and terrible for governing. In fact, most likely, will not be re-elected, at least according to polls.
- David Cameron since last May 11 is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Labour could not continue to win, especially after ten years of Blair government and the consequent financial difficulties. Gordon Brown also the media point of view did not work: it was not able to emoze List, select the people and, above all, was the bearer of political ethics by many considered similar to that of Tony Blair . Cameron used a single model of communication in the electoral campaign has used television , always and only the TV, ending up with too much. And that has made possible the approach of liberal democratic Nick Clegg, the current deputy premier, the strong majority on the House of Commons . As the recent events so you do not know yet what communication strategy adopted to govern, but one thing is certain: to deal with their enormous differences will point to a patriotic statement like: "We turn away more and more from Europe," "Do not ever adopt the single currency "," just where we want us to send troops "and so on ...
- The German situation, however, is different because different is the background of the country. Germany suffers from a significant digital divide . While the former West Germany runs, the DDR is arretratissima. This led to the choice of Chancellor Angela Merkel to focus on a "non-communication": if leverage the Web, for example, half of Germans would remain unaware of his actions.
- And now we come to Italy, indietrissimo country in terms of community than the U.S., UK and France. In Italy there are key figures as analysts, and webwatchers surfer. And this is not for lack of devices, the technology gap is now unbridgeable within a very short time, but for lack of true professionals. We must begin to train people. The winning combination is given by the combined logic to emotion. It is not enough, then, the availability of computer technicians (only logical), but we know that arouse emotion unite communicators, analysts, profilers, which, on a series of objective data and subjective experience hinge. In Italy, then, lack of true publishers, replaced by shareholders in a very special entrepreneurs who are part of most linked to the world of finance, energy, construction, publishing, rather than real: they are an example L'espresso publishing group , RCS the group Caltagirone. The spread goes tv for that, outside the public service is in the hands of De Benedetti, to Telecom or family Berlusconi. And always Berlusconi worth mentioning if you want to analyze the communication strategies of the center-right , certainly better (or rather, better grip) than the left. And that is because the communication right is: 1. 2 more emotional. layered, managed to rally support for more social classes 3. always positive and reassuring 4. codified, use keywords, codes that are always the same over the years. Indeed, one can even say that the leaders of certain words making them approprino highly connotative over time, eg "Italy" if uttered by Berlusconi brings to mind "Forza Italy" as "Freedom" becomes "People of Freedom", or "Federalism" evokes the League. For the center-left , on the contrary, politics comes before everything, even in communication. Make policy and take responsibility means responsibility, which means giving the public a lot of messages (purely political) that often, however, confuse the voters are interested only up to a certain point in politics. But what should never be forgotten is that political language should not be simple, but clear.
Finally, a clarification: Who are the spokesperson? And the spin doctors? The spokesman
are those who bring in a referential message to the leader. They have the delegation to represent him. But, more importantly, are they able to interpret the message of the leader without possessing the political. This means that they can be denied, even by the leader himself, if things do not go in the direction planned.
The spin doctors are instead of strategic advisors. Their work revolves around image and communication. They must be able to think as they write and communicate the "enemies" before you write and communicate. They are, therefore, key figures great demand and are able to alter the course of political and ovviamnte and history.