Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Highest Triglyceride Levels Reported

The information becomes communication

Computer Applied Journalism - Lesson VI

In today's information system to make the communicator is worth more than a journalist. It may seem a contradiction, but today, the communicator has more freedom than the journalist. The Communicator for granted conditioning while the journalist believes, wrongly, to have as a single point of contact when in fact readers should also be subject to various constraints, maybe not directly, but still find it necessary, first of all the circumstances.

is why the information tends to become more and more communication. If at one time included an offer to inform the general news without a direct interest by those who produced them, today we tend to communicate, that is to be taken of particular interest, as speculative. Being a communicator, in fact, means have a client through which it seeks to achieve a result that is as positive as possible for the buyer. The

good communicator must be able to give qualitative data and should never call back information in a personal way. But above all it must be able to communicate anything trying to hide the negative aspects and highlighting the positive ones.

There are different types of communication, let's see three: the institutional one, that of the product and advertising.

The institutional communication the identity of a reality. It 's all that identifies the image and activities of a given entity, regardless a profit or loss. Institutional communication serves to highlight:

  • social value (as in the case of public service announcements)
  • respect of transparency and the dissemination of information (like any public realm should do)
  • the perceived quality of a reality commercial (or dependent on the profit, and private business).

To better understand the various aspects of corporate communication is to relate well with communication product, which is not necessarily or exclusively private, but it can also be made by public bodies: the result in this case is not profit, but the consensus. Often, then, corporate communications and product communication merge. And this happens to

  • opportunism,
  • poor professionalism,
  • lack of rules respected,
  • confusion in the information system.

Also, do not forget that one side of the communication product is the advertising and that even when advertising is made for social purposes may be included in the law of corporate communications. The real distinction, then, is given by the clarity, transparency, the internet, compared other media, is able to offer you. It can not be traced directly to the comparison but you can take an audit trail of information.

The private corporate communication has to take high levels of the brand, the public must make available to the public a range of information, services and means of control. If the first does not pay much attention to the rules of the web, the second should be absolutely respected usability, accessibility , interactivity, transparency .

Institutional communication is a kind of corporate communications. In the public sector and in the private sector are made in the same manner as stated in the next post.

The site maps public bodies grow horizontally and have trees of navigation much heavier than those of the private sector is much more complicated and convoluted than the reality of foreign governments. Perfect transposition on the Web is more complicated as the Italian public administration.

Some examples:
  • The site of the Chamber of Deputies ( http://www.camera.it/ ). The proposals are short news is already written in journalistic form in order to facilitate copy-paste the newspapers online. The site structure is outdated and lacks full interactivity, but crucial feature.
  • The site of the English Government ( http://www.la-moncloa.es/ ) skips the frills, looks like a real newspaper. It offers lots of information and it is as if you could skip the mediation of other media to go directly to the citizen. The map is concise and flawless.
  • The site of the French Government ( http://www.elysee.fr/ ) is instead an imaginative site. Of emotion, not information. There is little text and images abound. Scrolling, however, is equal to that of the newspapers online. Commendable the opportunity to communicate directly with the government. Similar to
  • French is the site of the British government ( http://www.number10.gov.uk/ ). Wanted so Blair and Brown maintained that . Now it is up to the turn Cameron.
  • Finally here is the perfection: the White House website ( http://www.whitehouse.gov/ ). It 's the best in terms of accessibility and interactivity. The video posted on the homepage in just six minutes summarizing the most important events of the week. And maybe also summarizes what will be the future of journalism.


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