In a text written more you dwell on the form or content? Here, the same goes for websites. Indeed, that is mainly for web sites, whether they sell a product or sell an idea. From an aesthetic point of view the most popular are those who maintain a simple layout that does not flaunt large graphic resources and do not fill the pages with animation, music or gadgets more or less annoying. You should be able to easily access the pages through intuitive menus and without too much distraction, especially if it is to find something or make purchases online. But above all, a good site must provide contact information, references and explain the mission.
It is worth mentioning that mission means the ultimate goal of a company or organization. So the mission is both what justifies the existence of a company that sets it apart from all others.
Try, then, to trace the institutional mission at the three sites, very different: , and www . / .
the homepage of the clothing brand Pinko Fidenza , in addition to the possibility of losing in photos and video of the various collections, or the infinite and highly detailed e-shop, are in the lower right 'about us that reminds us of the birth of the company, which took place in the 80s from an idea by Peter Negra and Cristina Rubini, and explicit from the first row (of a text, however long and written in small letters) the true identity of the brand : Pinko is "an alternative to just under the top jaw that can provide collections of quality, high style, but correspond to the tastes of the market at competitive prices. " Competitive to the point that, if in a time of economic crisis like the one we are going through the house high fashion have all budgets more or less in the red Pinko want to apply (and there is success) as a viable alternative, so much so that his advertising has managed to recruit top star and world renowned for Naomi Campbell to Eva Herzigova, Elle MacPherson by Mariah Carey. Site
totally different, much more rich and varied (as shown by the ' index), is that of Fratelli Carli, ell'omonimo producers of oil, or rather de "the oil quality directly to you by 1911 " as nell'hompage stands directly below the logo. Just this script to summarize the mission perfectly: company modern , remained unchanged in the values \u200b\u200band production of oil as quality, capable, nearly a century of Delivery their product to hundreds of thousands of families customers. changed now side board, however, in a public reality: the ' Arpa Emilia-Romagna , or the Regional Agency for Prevention and Environment of Emilia-Romagna. The site is well structured and divided into six thematic areas that allow citizens to make research, to deepen the main environmental issues, to be updated on Communications Agency, easy access to various sections provincial and especially to see what the Harp and it is organized . In fact, the mission is explained in who we are and can be summarized "supervise environmental audits for environmental sustainability, health, homeland security and exploitation of resources." But, above all, being a regional agency and private attempts to show the link as transparent as possible by offering Transparency and merit assessment, external mandates and Rate ARPA.
Internet lends itself to operations of this kind, being structurally more transparent than other media such as TV, radio and newspapers, as it is able to provide traceability and a chance to compare it to other media if it is not impossible at least very cumbersome and more feasible at different times and with less chance of interaction.
Dear Tom, this means that for once we do without you: unlock the mission on the web is not so impossible.
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