Information Technology applied to Journalism - V class
The issue is controversial and has provided the occasion for a debate, now lively, which has grown from a couple of years, coinciding with the escalation of the economic crisis that hit, inexorably, the world of publishing. E 'decreased advertising in newspapers, have declined (and in many cases completely removed) the copies distributed for free and debts are obviously increased. With implications for online journalism. To get the budget surplus seems then that the only solution is to charge for editorial content on the web. In this sense, the news flash so can be free but the comments, insights and articles
not true, otherwise the unsustainable nature of the mechanism.
But addressing the issue can not be dispensed with ethical issues arising from two simple questions: If the reporter knows that his contribution is not paid for publishing on the Web change its way of writing? It will be rougher and less professional, even to the form and how to set the article?
Surely this is wrong at the beginning, when the on-line journalism, moving only the first steps and publishers have launched a competition without rules to those who offered the highest number of services, photos , movies, interviews, blogs and much more, of course free. If it is true that the internet is mostly free (the cost is that of connection to the band) must also admit that philosophy, pursued by the advocates of "total internet free" and certainly conceptually correct, but it is unsustainable.
And something already seen that not only moves the site of the New York Times from January 1, 2011 will be paid, but also the Italian publishers have recently got a little revenge Google News, is accused of having a negative impact on the ability of online publishers to attract users and advertising on its homepage, which does not correspond to any form of direct remuneration for the use of the contents of the newspapers online.
Finally, again remaining part of the free, we saw how the network there is even the possibility of not buying newspapers through upgrading press releases. One example is the site of the Chamber of Deputies who illegally enter the front pages of newspapers without paying publishers. But the copyright then?
Ah, yes, it's just a law.
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